$(".rating-wrapper, .update-btn").click(function(){
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Traffic Rank
This site is # 781,559 in the World
Estimated Visits
Daily visits: 621
Monthly visits: 18,630
Visitors By Country
Revenue & Value
Estimated Revenue
Daily revenue: $12.42 USD
Monthly revenue: $372.60 USD
Website Value
Content Analysis
Domain Name
Domain length: 17 characters
Texas Spa Resorts & Destination Wellness Spas | Lake Austin Spa Resort | Health Spa Vacations
Words count: 13??Length: 93 characters
Found Problems:
- Site title contains more than 12 words.
Meta Description
Lake Austin Spa Resort in Austin, Texas is the top destination spa in North America. This health and wellness spa resort features fitness activities, a cooking school and comfortable accommodations that provide a unique and relaxing vacation atmosphere.
Length: 253 characters
Excellent! Your meta description contains between 70 and 160 characters.
Meta Keywords
Texas spa resorts, spa resorts in Texas, Texas destination wellness spas, health spa vacations
Keyword(s) count: 4??Keyword(s) length: 94 characters
Excellent! Meta-keywords are within 170 characters and less than 10 words.
H1 |
H2 |
H3 |
H4 |
H5 |
H6 |
0 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
- The #1 Destination Spa in North America!
- Gift Certificates
- Explore all of our Special Offers!
- Power of 7
- Groups
More ?
- Conde Nast Traveler - #2 Destination Spa
Excellent! Your website is structured using HTML headings (<H1> to <H6>).
Text/HTML Ratio
Excellent! The ratio of text to HTML code of the site is more than 15%, which suggests that the site has a lot of text content.
We found 12 images on this website.
Images without alt attributes: 6 Images with alt attributes: 6
Images alt attributes ratio (without/with alt attributes): 50.00 % (6 / 6)
Most of the images in the site are provided with alternative text (the alt attribute).
Google? Analytics
Excellent! That site uses the analytical service Google? Analytics.
Search Engines Analysis
Indexed By Yahoo?
Found Problems:
- This site is not indexed by Yahoo search engine.
Top Search Queries
Query |
Search Traffic |
lake austin spa |
14.44% |
austin spa |
7.57% |
wellness spa retreats |
5.32% |
austin day spa |
4.47% |
lake austin resort |
3.46% |
austin spa resort |
2.30% |
lake austin spa resort |
1.95% |
spa package icon |
1.92% |
austinspaandresort.com |
1.48% |
lakehouse spa |
1.42% |
More ? |
Impact Search Queries
Query |
Impact |
Popularity |
austin spa |
22.32 |
13 |
austin day spa |
9.00 |
25 |
lake austin spa |
7.17 |
18 |
austin spa resort |
7.10 |
7 |
austin resort |
5.06 |
5 |
spa retreats |
2.99 |
14 |
wellness texas |
2.54 |
5 |
day spa |
2.53 |
30 |
wellness spa |
2.50 |
25 |
spa austin tx |
2.44 |
5 |
spas and resorts |
2.43 |
5 |
lake austin resort |
2.43 |
9 |
austin texas spa |
2.32 |
5 |
texas resorts and spas |
2.28 |
5 |
lake austin |
1.48 |
12 |
lake austin spa resort |
1.30 |
9 |
austin spas |
1.17 |
5 |
austin texas |
1.06 |
38 |
resorts and spas |
0.89 |
7 |
austin texas lake |
0.85 |
5 |
spa package |
0.82 |
16 |
austin water |
0.78 |
7 |
health spas texas |
0.77 |
5 |
spa resort |
0.76 |
22 |
resort in austin |
0.74 |
5 |
austin tx |
0.74 |
35 |
yoga retreat |
0.72 |
22 |
health spas |
0.71 |
5 |
resorts in texas |
0.69 |
13 |
wellnes resort spa texas |
0.57 |
5 |
More ? |
SEO Authority
DMOZ Listed
Found Problems:
- Your website is not listed in DMOZ.
Yahoo Listed
Found Problems:
- Your website is not listed in Yahoo Directory.
Shortcut Icon

Excellent! Your website uses the favicon image.
Load time
0.38 second(s) (15.24 Kb/s)
Excellent! The website load speed is very fast.
Page Size
Excellent! The page size is less than 150 KB.
Server Details
Server IP
Server Provider
Server Location
San Antonio, TX, 78218, United States 
Latitude: 29.4889 Longitude: -98.3987
Server Name
Server Encoding
Website Details
Website Age
Created: 1999-04-13
Expires: 2015-04-13
Domain Registrar
Domain Nameservers
Source: http://seovalidator.net/lakeaustinspa.com
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Source: http://stevenskieth.typepad.com/blog/2012/09/lakeaustinspacom-texas-spa-resorts-seovalidatornet.html
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